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LEGAL NOTICES - Legal notices of the site

-“the publisher”: designates the SARL Inside Out
-“the user”: designates any Internet user using the website, whether this Internet user holds a customer account on the site or not.
This site is the property of the company INSIDE OUT, created on an e-commerce structure. Installation and maintenance carried out by the INSIDE OUT agency.

- SIRET: 750918112 00012
- NAF: 4690Z
- Intracommunity VAT: FR 61 750918112
- Address: Echiol, 07240 Saint Apollinaire de Rias.
- Telephone: 04 34 11 24 58
- Email address:

The person responsible for the publication, maintenance and modification of the Website is Mr. Wagenaar Sidney, in his capacity as Artistic Director of the company Inside Out.
- All elements constituting the skeleton of the site (photos, images, logos, Flash® animations, modeled elements, etc.), as well as technological elements (software creations, back-office administration, services offered, etc.) are protected by copyright and are the exclusive property of their respective authors, except in the restrictive cases of complete or partial transfer of rights in favor of the e-commerce solution.
- The contents of the site (texts, articles, etc.) are the exclusive property of their authors and cannot be reproduced or exploited without their consent. only authorizes the reproduction of extracts from its articles via the RSS feeds present on its sites. In accordance with the provisions of article L. 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, any reproduction of partial or total content of the site is prohibited, whatever its form (reproduction, nesting, distribution, "inline linking" and "framing" techniques, etc.). Direct links established to downloadable files (whatever their format) present on our site are also prohibited. If you wish to establish a link with our site, and before any establishment thereof, please contact us before any establishment of the link pointing to our site or its content.
- The texts present from external sources have been reproduced with the implicit or explicit consent of their respective authors. As such, mention is made on the site of the sources and respective authors.
The links present on the site (direct links, permalinks, partner links, etc.) redirect the user to sites whose content is under the responsibility of the editors of said sites. Under no circumstances can be held responsible for the content of these sites. As we attach particular importance to the legality of the content of the sites to which our links point, we ask you to kindly notify us of any content that may seem illegal to you on the sites to which links have been set up.
The contents of the sites published by have been developed with the greatest care. As such, no illicit or defamatory content is broadcast on them. In addition, they do not present any character that could be considered "misleading advertising" within the meaning of articles 121-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code.
Advertisements may be displayed on our sites. These may come from external sources (third-party affiliate management platforms, Google® ads, etc.) or be managed by our own advertising agency. cannot be held responsible for the “misleading or aggressive” nature of advertisements from external sources. Concerning advertisements governed by, it reserves the right not to broadcast advertising which is clearly misleading within the meaning of articles 121-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code. 
In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms and article 43 of the law of September 30, 1986 as amended, the Site has been declared to the National Commission for Information Technology and Freedoms (CNIL) under number 13562367. Users of the Site are required to respect the provisions of the data processing law, files and freedoms, violation of which is subject to sanctions. criminal. They must in particular refrain, with regard to the personal information to which they access, from any collection, from any misuse, and generally speaking, from any act likely to harm the privacy or reputation of individuals. In accordance with article 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data that concerns you. You can exercise this right by sending an e-mail to “” or by mail addressed to our head office specifying “ personal data management service”.  
1.7 - CUSTOMER SERVICE customer service can be reached electronically (email), at the address and by telephone at 04 34 11 24 58.
This policy sets out how we treat the information we collect about you when you visit our site. We attach the greatest importance to respecting the privacy and individual data of our users. We also attach high importance to the protection of your privacy and individual data in the way we create, organize and implement our online and offline activities.
In order to maintain maximum protection regarding the personal data we process, our sites and the entities administering them will comply with the principles designated in:
• The OECD Council Recommendation on Guidelines Governing the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data (C(80)58/FINAL).
• European directive 95/46/EC on the protection of personal data.
• French Law 78-17 amended by Law 2004-801 of 06/08/2004 (known as the Data Protection and Liberties Law) and its implementing decrees.
The specific practices described in this privacy policy statement relate only to the aforementioned website. External links from other bodies/entities linked to may be present on our sites, for editorial purposes, partnership, advertising, payment, etc. We draw your attention to the fact that we are not responsible for the privacy policy and the content of external sites. As such, we recommend that you review the privacy policy statements of other bodies/entities when visiting their website(s). However, we try to do our utmost to study the content of our partners' and advertisers' sites prior to any collaboration. Specifications on the use and collection of data (information recorded automatically) You can consult our website without disclosing any personal information. However, some services you use require the collection and retention of a number of automatically recognized items. The collection of this data is done using cookies, intended to improve our services, and which can also be used to establish statistics. A cookie is an element of data sent to your browser from a website and stored on your hard drive. Cookies are present in the private areas of our sites (if the user registers there); they are used to save the visitor's password so that they do not have to re-enter it on each new visit. These cookies may include the following information:
- IP address - Certain categories requested during registration: Pseudonym, Last name, First name, Email address, Date of birth...............
- If the user has checked the “remember both username and password” box, these two elements are encoded and added to the “cookie”.
- If a user registered in one of our private spaces returns to the site without identifying themselves, the elements entered in the “cookie” allow them to be recognized (unless they have manually deleted the cookies, in which case the server will automatically generate a new cookie). We inform you that you can oppose the recording of “cookies” by configuring your browser. To find out what procedure to follow depending on the browser you are using, please consult the browser's help section.
1.10 - USE OF DATA
It is not essential to register on our site. You can view this even if you do not wish to register or provide personal information, but in this case you will not be able to purchase online, receive email newsletters, or contact us electronically. We respect your wishes, and will never collect personal data about you without your explicit consent. If we collect data that you provide to us when creating your private spaces, in the context of orders, surveys, competitions or other forms, as well as in emails that you send to us, we may extract anonymous pieces of information and combine them with others. This information, which can only be used and analyzed in aggregate form, is used to better understand certain trends and usage profiles. They are never treated individually. If you do not want your transaction information to be used in this way, you can either disable your cookies or stop registration at the query level. All data processing relating to our customers and prospects using our website complies with Simplified Standard No. 48 of 06/07/2005 published by the CNIL. To find out the details of this processing (recipients, purposes, retention period, data processed)i. This data processing was carried out by our data controller, whose contact details you will find in the “legal notices” section.
Our concern is to preserve the quality and integrity of your personal information. The technologies and security policies applied by us and our technical service providers make it possible to protect the personal data of our users against any unauthorized access, any improper use, any alteration, any malicious or accidental destruction and any unintentional loss of data. We are constantly improving our security procedures as technologies evolve in order to maintain a maximum level of protection. On our site, the transmission of your personal data is secure following different protocols guaranteeing the highest degree of protection in line with existing technology and the category of personal data transmitted: Category 1: primary personal data (name, email, contact details, etc.).
Category 2: other personal profile data (description, hobbies, tastes, etc.).
Category 3: identifiers (credit card number, private space identifiers, etc.).
All our employees, subcontractors and authorized third parties who have access to data or are involved in its processing are required to respect the confidentiality of the personal data of our visitors, customers and prospects. We guarantee that your personal data will not be communicated to government institutions or authorities, except in cases provided for by law or regulation.
In accordance with articles 38 and following of Law 78-17 as amended, you have the right to access, rectify, delete data concerning you. Concerning the right of access: Before sending you personal data, we will ask you to provide us with proof of your identity. If you are unable to prove your identity, we reserve the right to refuse to send you personal data concerning you. We strive to respond to these requests within a reasonable time frame. Concerning the rights of rectification and deletion: the prerequisites are identical to those concerning the right of access.  
In accordance with European Union Directive 2009/136/EC of November 25, 2009, the USER of this SITE has the right to refuse the presence of “cookies” and “trackers” when browsing the SITE.
He is informed of this when connecting to the SITE, by displaying a banner at the edge of the page.
The browser options are also accessible to the USER, from their computer, in their privacy settings. The presence of “cookies” is a free choice of the USER, the PUBLISHER cannot be held responsible for the quality of the resulting navigation.
In addition, this SITE may contain hypertext links, which refer the USER to other websites. The PUBLISHER of this SITE cannot be held responsible for the content of the websites to which these hypertext links refer, or in the event of damage linked to the USER's navigation on one of these sites. 
The PUBLISHER of this SITE offers USERS the opportunity to give their opinion on its service and to evaluate the products it offers for sale. By publishing his opinion on this SITE, the USER undertakes:
- not to publish a notice which, in its content, would be contrary to public order, good morals, or would constitute defamation within the meaning of article 29 of the law of July 29, 1881.
- not to publish a notice having as its object an illicit or illegal activity.
- to respect the rights of third parties and not to cite them, favoring generic terms.
- to share authentic opinions, based on real facts, for the sake of good information.
The USER also undertakes to provide an evaluation which corresponds to his/her actual experience of the products sold on this SITE.
The PUBLISHER of this SITE reserves the right to delete any publications which do not comply with these conditions of use.
The PUBLISHER of this SITE may also block the account of the USER who contravenes these general conditions of use, without prejudice to possible legal action if the facts so warrant.

“All reproduction rights of these general conditions of sale and legal notices are reserved to the Cabinet of Maître Timothée VIGNAL”
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