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Buisretour: 100 dagen

Levering buizen < 2m: € 15,0

Levering van buizen > 2m: Prijs/Kg

Groot volume: vraag een offerte aan

Ø48 : Aluminium 100cm (3.0mm)
Ø48 : Aluminium 100cm (3.0mm)

Ø48 : Aluminium 100cm (3.0mm)

En stock - 26 qtySKU : TA-4801-RW-3-0MM-CUT

Prix régulier 13,92 € Sauvegarder -13,92 €

Taxe inclu.   Livraison calculée au moment du paiement.

<b>TUBE ALUMINIUM ROND (ø 48/48,3mm) : </b>
Tube rond en aluminium 1 m de diamètre 48/48,3 mm idéal pour construire une rampe. <br>

- Buitendiameter van de buis: 48/48,3 mm.<br>
- Corrosiebescherming: <b>aluminium</b>.<br>
- Weerbestendigheid: binnen en buiten.<br>
- Buisdikte: <b>3,00 mm</b>.<br>
- Afdronk: <b>rauw</b>.<br>

Verzonden tussen: [startdatum] - [einddatum] .

<svg xmlns="" width="11" height="11" viewbox="0 0 384 512" fill="#2E56B1"><path d="M111.4 295.9c-3.5 19.2-17.4 108.7-21.5 134-.3 1.8-1 2.5-3 2.5H12.3c-7.6 0-13.1-6.6-12.1-13.9L58.8 46.6c1.5-9.6 10.1-16.9 20-16.9 152.3 0 165.1-3.7 204 11.4 60.1 23.3 65.6 79.5 44 140.3-21.5 62.6-72.5 89.5-140.1 90.3-43.4 .7-69.5-7-75.3 24.2zM357.1 152c-1.8-1.3-2.5-1.8-3 1.3-2 11.4-5.1 22.5-8.8 33.6-39.9 113.8-150.5 103.9-204.5 103.9-6.1 0-10.1 3.3-10.9 9.4-22.6 140.4-27.1 169.7-27.1 169.7-1 7.1 3.5 12.9 10.6 12.9h63.5c8.6 0 15.7-6.3 17.4-14.9 .7-5.4-1.1 6.1 14.4-91.3 4.6-22 14.3-19.7 29.3-19.7 71 0 126.4-28.8 142.9-112.3 6.5-34.8 4.6-71.4-23.8-92.6z"></path></svg> <font style="margin-left:5px;">Betaal in 4x zonder kosten met PayPal. <a href="" style="color: #00b7e5;" target="_blank" class="hide-on-mobile">Meer informatie</a></font> <br><svg xmlns="" width="11" height="11" viewbox="0 0 16 16"><g fill="none" transform="translate(.667 .667)"><circle cx="7.333" cy="7.333" r="7.333" fill="#F0F0F0"></circle><path fill="#D80027" d="M14.667 7.333A7.336 7.336 0 009.884.456v13.755a7.336 7.336 0 004.783-6.878z"></path><path fill="#2E56B1" d="M0 7.333a7.336 7.336 0 004.783 6.878V.456A7.336 7.336 0 000 7.333z"></path></g></svg> <font style="margin-left:5px;">Verzonden vanuit onze Franse magazijnen.</font> <br><svg xmlns="" width="11" height="11" viewbox="0 0 448 512" fill="#76bd1c"><path d="M144 144v48H304V144c0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80s-80 35.8-80 80zM80 192V144C80 64.5 144.5 0 224 0s144 64.5 144 144v48h16c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64V448c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64H64c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64V256c0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64H80z"></path></svg> <font style="margin-left:5px;">Veilig betalen met streep.</font> <br><br><svg xmlns="" width="30" viewbox="0 0 576 512" fill="#777777" style="margin-right:5px;"><path d="M470.1 231.3s7.6 37.2 9.3 45H446c3.3-8.9 16-43.5 16-43.5-.2 .3 3.3-9.1 5.3-14.9l2.8 13.4zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM152.5 331.2L215.7 176h-42.5l-39.3 106-4.3-21.5-14-71.4c-2.3-9.9-9.4-12.7-18.2-13.1H32.7l-.7 3.1c15.8 4 29.9 9.8 42.2 17.1l35.8 135h42.5zm94.4 .2L272.1 176h-40.2l-25.1 155.4h40.1zm139.9-50.8c.2-17.7-10.6-31.2-33.7-42.3-14.1-7.1-22.7-11.9-22.7-19.2 .2-6.6 7.3-13.4 23.1-13.4 13.1-.3 22.7 2.8 29.9 5.9l3.6 1.7 5.5-33.6c-7.9-3.1-20.5-6.6-36-6.6-39.7 0-67.6 21.2-67.8 51.4-.3 22.3 20 34.7 35.2 42.2 15.5 7.6 20.8 12.6 20.8 19.3-.2 10.4-12.6 15.2-24.1 15.2-16 0-24.6-2.5-37.7-8.3l-5.3-2.5-5.6 34.9c9.4 4.3 26.8 8.1 44.8 8.3 42.2 .1 69.7-20.8 70-53zM528 331.4L495.6 176h-31.1c-9.6 0-16.9 2.8-21 12.9l-59.7 142.5H426s6.9-19.2 8.4-23.3H486c1.2 5.5 4.8 23.3 4.8 23.3H528z"></path></svg><svg xmlns="" width="30" viewbox="0 0 576 512" fill="#777777" style="margin-right:5px;"><path d="M482.9 410.3c0 6.8-4.6 11.7-11.2 11.7-6.8 0-11.2-5.2-11.2-11.7 0-6.5 4.4-11.7 11.2-11.7 6.6 0 11.2 5.2 11.2 11.7zm-310.8-11.7c-7.1 0-11.2 5.2-11.2 11.7 0 6.5 4.1 11.7 11.2 11.7 6.5 0 10.9-4.9 10.9-11.7-.1-6.5-4.4-11.7-10.9-11.7zm117.5-.3c-5.4 0-8.7 3.5-9.5 8.7h19.1c-.9-5.7-4.4-8.7-9.6-8.7zm107.8 .3c-6.8 0-10.9 5.2-10.9 11.7 0 6.5 4.1 11.7 10.9 11.7 6.8 0 11.2-4.9 11.2-11.7 0-6.5-4.4-11.7-11.2-11.7zm105.9 26.1c0 .3 .3 .5 .3 1.1 0 .3-.3 .5-.3 1.1-.3 .3-.3 .5-.5 .8-.3 .3-.5 .5-1.1 .5-.3 .3-.5 .3-1.1 .3-.3 0-.5 0-1.1-.3-.3 0-.5-.3-.8-.5-.3-.3-.5-.5-.5-.8-.3-.5-.3-.8-.3-1.1 0-.5 0-.8 .3-1.1 0-.5 .3-.8 .5-1.1 .3-.3 .5-.3 .8-.5 .5-.3 .8-.3 1.1-.3 .5 0 .8 0 1.1 .3 .5 .3 .8 .3 1.1 .5s.2 .6 .5 1.1zm-2.2 1.4c.5 0 .5-.3 .8-.3 .3-.3 .3-.5 .3-.8 0-.3 0-.5-.3-.8-.3 0-.5-.3-1.1-.3h-1.6v3.5h.8V426h.3l1.1 1.4h.8l-1.1-1.3zM576 81v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V81c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM64 220.6c0 76.5 62.1 138.5 138.5 138.5 27.2 0 53.9-8.2 76.5-23.1-72.9-59.3-72.4-171.2 0-230.5-22.6-15-49.3-23.1-76.5-23.1-76.4-.1-138.5 62-138.5 138.2zm224 108.8c70.5-55 70.2-162.2 0-217.5-70.2 55.3-70.5 162.6 0 217.5zm-142.3 76.3c0-8.7-5.7-14.4-14.7-14.7-4.6 0-9.5 1.4-12.8 6.5-2.4-4.1-6.5-6.5-12.2-6.5-3.8 0-7.6 1.4-10.6 5.4V392h-8.2v36.7h8.2c0-18.9-2.5-30.2 9-30.2 10.2 0 8.2 10.2 8.2 30.2h7.9c0-18.3-2.5-30.2 9-30.2 10.2 0 8.2 10 8.2 30.2h8.2v-23zm44.9-13.7h-7.9v4.4c-2.7-3.3-6.5-5.4-11.7-5.4-10.3 0-18.2 8.2-18.2 19.3 0 11.2 7.9 19.3 18.2 19.3 5.2 0 9-1.9 11.7-5.4v4.6h7.9V392zm40.5 25.6c0-15-22.9-8.2-22.9-15.2 0-5.7 11.9-4.8 18.5-1.1l3.3-6.5c-9.4-6.1-30.2-6-30.2 8.2 0 14.3 22.9 8.3 22.9 15 0 6.3-13.5 5.8-20.7 .8l-3.5 6.3c11.2 7.6 32.6 6 32.6-7.5zm35.4 9.3l-2.2-6.8c-3.8 2.1-12.2 4.4-12.2-4.1v-16.6h13.1V392h-13.1v-11.2h-8.2V392h-7.6v7.3h7.6V416c0 17.6 17.3 14.4 22.6 10.9zm13.3-13.4h27.5c0-16.2-7.4-22.6-17.4-22.6-10.6 0-18.2 7.9-18.2 19.3 0 20.5 22.6 23.9 33.8 14.2l-3.8-6c-7.8 6.4-19.6 5.8-21.9-4.9zm59.1-21.5c-4.6-2-11.6-1.8-15.2 4.4V392h-8.2v36.7h8.2V408c0-11.6 9.5-10.1 12.8-8.4l2.4-7.6zm10.6 18.3c0-11.4 11.6-15.1 20.7-8.4l3.8-6.5c-11.6-9.1-32.7-4.1-32.7 15 0 19.8 22.4 23.8 32.7 15l-3.8-6.5c-9.2 6.5-20.7 2.6-20.7-8.6zm66.7-18.3H408v4.4c-8.3-11-29.9-4.8-29.9 13.9 0 19.2 22.4 24.7 29.9 13.9v4.6h8.2V392zm33.7 0c-2.4-1.2-11-2.9-15.2 4.4V392h-7.9v36.7h7.9V408c0-11 9-10.3 12.8-8.4l2.4-7.6zm40.3-14.9h-7.9v19.3c-8.2-10.9-29.9-5.1-29.9 13.9 0 19.4 22.5 24.6 29.9 13.9v4.6h7.9v-51.7zm7.6-75.1v4.6h.8V302h1.9v-.8h-4.6v.8h1.9zm6.6 123.8c0-.5 0-1.1-.3-1.6-.3-.3-.5-.8-.8-1.1-.3-.3-.8-.5-1.1-.8-.5 0-1.1-.3-1.6-.3-.3 0-.8 .3-1.4 .3-.5 .3-.8 .5-1.1 .8-.5 .3-.8 .8-.8 1.1-.3 .5-.3 1.1-.3 1.6 0 .3 0 .8 .3 1.4 0 .3 .3 .8 .8 1.1 .3 .3 .5 .5 1.1 .8 .5 .3 1.1 .3 1.4 .3 .5 0 1.1 0 1.6-.3 .3-.3 .8-.5 1.1-.8 .3-.3 .5-.8 .8-1.1 .3-.6 .3-1.1 .3-1.4zm3.2-124.7h-1.4l-1.6 3.5-1.6-3.5h-1.4v5.4h.8v-4.1l1.6 3.5h1.1l1.4-3.5v4.1h1.1v-5.4zm4.4-80.5c0-76.2-62.1-138.3-138.5-138.3-27.2 0-53.9 8.2-76.5 23.1 72.1 59.3 73.2 171.5 0 230.5 22.6 15 49.5 23.1 76.5 23.1 76.4 .1 138.5-61.9 138.5-138.4z"></path></svg><svg xmlns="" width="30" viewbox="0 0 576 512" fill="#777777" style="margin-right:5px;"><path d="M186.3 258.2c0 12.2-9.7 21.5-22 21.5-9.2 0-16-5.2-16-15 0-12.2 9.5-22 21.7-22 9.3 0 16.3 5.7 16.3 15.5zM80.5 209.7h-4.7c-1.5 0-3 1-3.2 2.7l-4.3 26.7 8.2-.3c11 0 19.5-1.5 21.5-14.2 2.3-13.4-6.2-14.9-17.5-14.9zm284 0H360c-1.8 0-3 1-3.2 2.7l-4.2 26.7 8-.3c13 0 22-3 22-18-.1-10.6-9.6-11.1-18.1-11.1zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM128.3 215.4c0-21-16.2-28-34.7-28h-40c-2.5 0-5 2-5.2 4.7L32 294.2c-.3 2 1.2 4 3.2 4h19c2.7 0 5.2-2.9 5.5-5.7l4.5-26.6c1-7.2 13.2-4.7 18-4.7 28.6 0 46.1-17 46.1-45.8zm84.2 8.8h-19c-3.8 0-4 5.5-4.2 8.2-5.8-8.5-14.2-10-23.7-10-24.5 0-43.2 21.5-43.2 45.2 0 19.5 12.2 32.2 31.7 32.2 9 0 20.2-4.9 26.5-11.9-.5 1.5-1 4.7-1 6.2 0 2.3 1 4 3.2 4H200c2.7 0 5-2.9 5.5-5.7l10.2-64.3c.3-1.9-1.2-3.9-3.2-3.9zm40.5 97.9l63.7-92.6c.5-.5 .5-1 .5-1.7 0-1.7-1.5-3.5-3.2-3.5h-19.2c-1.7 0-3.5 1-4.5 2.5l-26.5 39-11-37.5c-.8-2.2-3-4-5.5-4h-18.7c-1.7 0-3.2 1.8-3.2 3.5 0 1.2 19.5 56.8 21.2 62.1-2.7 3.8-20.5 28.6-20.5 31.6 0 1.8 1.5 3.2 3.2 3.2h19.2c1.8-.1 3.5-1.1 4.5-2.6zm159.3-106.7c0-21-16.2-28-34.7-28h-39.7c-2.7 0-5.2 2-5.5 4.7l-16.2 102c-.2 2 1.3 4 3.2 4h20.5c2 0 3.5-1.5 4-3.2l4.5-29c1-7.2 13.2-4.7 18-4.7 28.4 0 45.9-17 45.9-45.8zm84.2 8.8h-19c-3.8 0-4 5.5-4.3 8.2-5.5-8.5-14-10-23.7-10-24.5 0-43.2 21.5-43.2 45.2 0 19.5 12.2 32.2 31.7 32.2 9.3 0 20.5-4.9 26.5-11.9-.3 1.5-1 4.7-1 6.2 0 2.3 1 4 3.2 4H484c2.7 0 5-2.9 5.5-5.7l10.2-64.3c.3-1.9-1.2-3.9-3.2-3.9zm47.5-33.3c0-2-1.5-3.5-3.2-3.5h-18.5c-1.5 0-3 1.2-3.2 2.7l-16.2 104-.3 .5c0 1.8 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5h16.5c2.5 0 5-2.9 5.2-5.7L544 191.2v-.3zm-90 51.8c-12.2 0-21.7 9.7-21.7 22 0 9.7 7 15 16.2 15 12 0 21.7-9.2 21.7-21.5 .1-9.8-6.9-15.5-16.2-15.5z"></path></svg><svg xmlns="" width="30" viewbox="0 0 576 512" fill="#777777" style="margin-right:5px;"><path d="M302.2 218.4c0 17.2-10.5 27.1-29 27.1h-24.3v-54.2h24.4c18.4 0 28.9 9.8 28.9 27.1zm47.5 62.6c0 8.3 7.2 13.7 18.5 13.7 14.4 0 25.2-9.1 25.2-21.9v-7.7l-23.5 1.5c-13.3 .9-20.2 5.8-20.2 14.4zM576 79v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V79c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM127.8 197.2c8.4 .7 16.8-4.2 22.1-10.4 5.2-6.4 8.6-15 7.7-23.7-7.4 .3-16.6 4.9-21.9 11.3-4.8 5.5-8.9 14.4-7.9 22.8zm60.6 74.5c-.2-.2-19.6-7.6-19.8-30-.2-18.7 15.3-27.7 16-28.2-8.8-13-22.4-14.4-27.1-14.7-12.2-.7-22.6 6.9-28.4 6.9-5.9 0-14.7-6.6-24.3-6.4-12.5 .2-24.2 7.3-30.5 18.6-13.1 22.6-3.4 56 9.3 74.4 6.2 9.1 13.7 19.1 23.5 18.7 9.3-.4 13-6 24.2-6 11.3 0 14.5 6 24.3 5.9 10.2-.2 16.5-9.1 22.8-18.2 6.9-10.4 9.8-20.4 10-21zm135.4-53.4c0-26.6-18.5-44.8-44.9-44.8h-51.2v136.4h21.2v-46.6h29.3c26.8 0 45.6-18.4 45.6-45zm90 23.7c0-19.7-15.8-32.4-40-32.4-22.5 0-39.1 12.9-39.7 30.5h19.1c1.6-8.4 9.4-13.9 20-13.9 13 0 20.2 6 20.2 17.2v7.5l-26.4 1.6c-24.6 1.5-37.9 11.6-37.9 29.1 0 17.7 13.7 29.4 33.4 29.4 13.3 0 25.6-6.7 31.2-17.4h.4V310h19.6v-68zM516 210.9h-21.5l-24.9 80.6h-.4l-24.9-80.6H422l35.9 99.3-1.9 6c-3.2 10.2-8.5 14.2-17.9 14.2-1.7 0-4.9-.2-6.2-.3v16.4c1.2 .4 6.5 .5 8.1 .5 20.7 0 30.4-7.9 38.9-31.8L516 210.9z"></path></svg><svg xmlns="" width="30" viewBox="0 0 576 512" fill="#777777" style="margin-right:5px;"><path d="M492.4 220.8c-8.9 0-18.7 6.7-18.7 22.7h36.7c0-16-9.3-22.7-18-22.7zM375 223.4c-8.2 0-13.3 2.9-17 7l.2 52.8c3.5 3.7 8.5 6.7 16.8 6.7 13.1 0 21.9-14.3 21.9-33.4 0-18.6-9-33.2-21.9-33.1zM528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM122.2 281.1c0 25.6-20.3 40.1-49.9 40.3-12.2 0-25.6-2.4-38.8-8.1v-33.9c12 6.4 27.1 11.3 38.9 11.3 7.9 0 13.6-2.1 13.6-8.7 0-17-54-10.6-54-49.9 0-25.2 19.2-40.2 48-40.2 11.8 0 23.5 1.8 35.3 6.5v33.4c-10.8-5.8-24.5-9.1-35.3-9.1-7.5 0-12.1 2.2-12.1 7.7 0 16 54.3 8.4 54.3 50.7zm68.8-56.6h-27V275c0 20.9 22.5 14.4 27 12.6v28.9c-4.7 2.6-13.3 4.7-24.9 4.7-21.1 0-36.9-15.5-36.9-36.5l.2-113.9 34.7-7.4v30.8H191zm74 2.4c-4.5-1.5-18.7-3.6-27.1 7.4v84.4h-35.5V194.2h30.7l2.2 10.5c8.3-15.3 24.9-12.2 29.6-10.5h.1zm44.1 91.8h-35.7V194.2h35.7zm0-142.9l-35.7 7.6v-28.9l35.7-7.6zm74.1 145.5c-12.4 0-20-5.3-25.1-9l-.1 40.2-35.5 7.5V194.2h31.3l1.8 8.8c4.9-4.5 13.9-11.1 27.8-11.1 24.9 0 48.4 22.5 48.4 63.8 0 45.1-23.2 65.5-48.6 65.6zm160.4-51.5h-69.5c1.6 16.6 13.8 21.5 27.6 21.5 14.1 0 25.2-3 34.9-7.9V312c-9.7 5.3-22.4 9.2-39.4 9.2-34.6 0-58.8-21.7-58.8-64.5 0-36.2 20.5-64.9 54.3-64.9 33.7 0 51.3 28.7 51.3 65.1 0 3.5-.3 10.9-.4 12.9z"/></svg>

Ø48 : Aluminium 100cm (3.0mm)

13,92 €

Ø48 : Aluminium 100cm (3.0mm)



Aluminium buis 48/48,3 mm met een dikte van 3 mm. Licht (1,14 kg/m) en roestvrij, kan worden aangesloten door middel van fittingen om hellingen, beschermende barrières of leuningen te creëren... De buizen zijn bedoeld voor normaal gebruik met een D48-fitting.


En fonction des dimensions et du poids total de votre colis, le prix de la livraison évolue selonles 4 catégories suivantes : SMALL / MEDIUM /LARGE / XXL.


   Pas de tubes.
   60kg max.
   Livraison offerte*.
* Panier > 200€ ttc.


   Raccords + tubes.
   Tubes < 2.0m.
   60kg max.
   Livraison offerte*.
* Panier > 200€ ttc.


   Raccords + tubes.
   Tubes > 2.0m.
   150kg max.


   Raccords + tubes.
   Palettisation colis.
   500kg max.


<div class="row" style="font-size:14px;font;color:#111;"><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Buizennorm: EN AW-6060 T66. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Corrosiebescherming: <b>aluminium</b> . <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Uiterlijk uiterlijk oppervlak: <b>industrieel</b> . <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Weerbestendigheid: <b>binnen en buiten</b> . <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Getest met fittingen: <b>TUV-standaard</b> . <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Productietijd: <b>(1/2 dag)</b> . <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Individueel verkocht: <b>ja</b> .<br></div>

<div class="row" style="font-size:14px;font;color:#111;"><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Buissterkte: <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Externe weerstand: <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Buisafwerking: <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><br></div>

Onze buizen kunnen onregelmatigheden vertonen die ontstaan ​​tijdens productie, zagen of transport. Het is een industrieel product!

<table><thead style="background-color:#f8f8f8;"><tr style="height: 22px;"><th>Grootte <font style="font-size:10px;text-transform:none;">(mm)</font></th><th> C42 (42/42,4 mm)</th><th> D48 (48,3 mm)</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><th scope="row"> Buitendiameter</th><td> 42/42,4 mm</td><td> 48,3 mm</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"> Binnendiameter</th><td> 36,0 mm</td><td> 42,0 mm</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"> Buis glijdt naar binnen</th><td> <font style="color:#ff0000;">Nee</font></td><td> <font style="color:#ff0000;">Nee</font></td></tr><tr><th scope="row"> Verticale wapening elke*</th><td> 150 cm</td><td> 200 cm</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"> Buisdikte</th><td> 3,00 mm</td><td> 3,00 mm</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"> Buis gewicht</th><td> 1,00 kg/m</td><td> 1,14 kg/m</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"> Foutmarge</th><td> 10 mm</td><td> 10 mm</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"> Afwerking</th><td> rauw</td><td> rauw</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"> Aangepast product</th><td> <font style="color:#76bd1c;">Ja</font></td><td> <font style="color:#76bd1c;">Ja</font></td></tr><tr><th scope="row"> Restitueerbaar product</th><td> <font style="color:#ff0000;">Nee</font></td><td> <font style="color:#ff0000;">Nee</font></td></tr><tr><th scope="row"> Retourneerbaar product</th><td> <font style="color:#ff0000;">Nee</font></td><td> <font style="color:#ff0000;">Nee</font></td></tr><tr><th scope="row"> Voorwaarde</th><td> negen</td><td> negen</td></tr></tbody></table><p style="font-size:12px; font-style:italic;"><br> <b>Afmeting:</b> buisdiameter <b>Versteviging:</b> waarden worden uitsluitend ter informatie gegeven.</p><br> <b style="color:#ff0000;font-size:16px;">RETOUR:</b> voor uw veiligheid zijn de verkochte buizen nieuw, ongebruikt en op aanvraag gesneden. <b style="color:#ff0000;">Ze worden dan ook niet teruggenomen*.</b><br> <i>*De herroepingstermijn van 100 dagen is niet van toepassing op buizen die op onze website zijn besteld, deze worden beschouwd als gepersonaliseerde goederen.</i>

Hieronder vindt u de algemene informatietabel over gegalvaniseerde stalen buizen. Deze waarden worden gegeven als functie van de dikte.

<table><thead style="background-color:#f8f8f8;"><tr style="height: 22px;"><th>Buis :</th><th> D48 (3,0 mm)</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><th scope="row" style="text-transform:none;"> Buisafwerking:</th><td> Rauw</td></tr><tr><th scope="row" style="text-transform:none;"> Buisdiameter:</th><td> 48,3 mm</td></tr><tr><th scope="row" style="text-transform:none;"> Buisdikte:</th><td> 3,00 mm</td></tr><tr><th scope="row" style="text-transform:none;"> Buisgewicht:</th><td> 1,14 kg/m</td></tr></tr><tr><th scope="row" style="text-transform:none;"> Buissterkte: </th><td><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><br></td></tr><tr><th scope="row" style="text-transform:none;"> Externe weerstand: </th><td><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><br></td></tr><tr><th scope="row" style="text-transform:none;"> Buisveroudering: </th><td><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="11" height="11"><path fill="#ffe51e" d="M316.9 18C311.6 7 300.4 0 288.1 0s-23.4 7-28.8 18L195 150.3 51.4 171.5c-12 1.8-22 10.2-25.7 21.7s-.7 24.2 7.9 32.7L137.8 329 113.2 474.7c-2 12 3 24.2 12.9 31.3s23 8 33.8 2.3l128.3-68.5 128.3 68.5c10.8 5.7 23.9 4.9 33.8-2.3s14.9-19.3 12.9-31.3L438.5 329 542.7 225.9c8.6-8.5 11.7-21.2 7.9-32.7s-13.7-19.9-25.7-21.7L381.2 150.3 316.9 18z"/></svg><br></td></tr><tr><th scope="row" style="text-transform:none;"> Weerbestendigheid:</th><td> Int./ext</td></tr><tr><th scope="row" style="text-transform:none;"> TUV getest met fittingen:</th><td> Nee</td></tr><tr><th scope="row" style="text-transform:none;"> Zware belasting:</th><td> Ja</td></tr></tbody></table>

Hier is een korte selectie van enkele verschillende toepassingen op foto's met de buizen. De mogelijkheden zijn onbeperkt!

<div style="font-size:14px;font;color:#111;"><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> <b>Zware vangrail.</b> <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Zware oprit. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Zware barrière. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Zware bescherming. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Zware reling. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> enz...<br></div>

<div style="font-size:14px;font;color:#111;"><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> <b>Zwaar tuinmeubilair.</b> <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Tuintafel. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Tuinmeubilair. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Pergola met canvas. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Prieel met canvas. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> enz...<br></div>

<div style="font-size:14px;font;color:#111;"><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> <b>Buitenspellen.</b> <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Trampolinepark. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Bodybuilding-structuur. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Parkour-structuur. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Speeltuin. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> enz...<br></div>

<div style="font-size:14px;font;color:#111;"><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> <b>Professioneel meubilair...</b> <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Opbergrek. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Opbergrek. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Paskamer. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> Caddy-opslag. <br><svg xmlns="" height="0.80em" viewBox="0 0 340 512"><path fill="#00b7e5" d="M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"/></svg> enz...<br></div>

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| Veelgestelde vragen DIAMETER D48.
De meest gestelde vragen vindt u in onze mini-faq voor diameter D48.

Wat betekent maat D48 (48,3 mm)?

Dit is de buitendiameter van de buis die wordt aanbevolen voor optimaal gebruik van de fitting. Daarom zijn de D48 fittingen ontworpen voor buizen met een buitendiameter van 48,3 mm. Hierdoor kan de schroef goed aan de wand van de buis hechten. De toegestane buitendiameters moeten tussen 47 en 49 mm liggen.

Mijn buis is niet 48,3 mm?

Voor een correcte bevestiging moeten de toegestane externe buisdiameters tussen 47 en 49 mm liggen. Als uw buis zich niet binnen deze marge bevindt, maakt de schroef mogelijk niet goed contact met de muur.

Hoeveel cm passen de fittingen op de buis?

D48 fittingen bedekken de buis gemiddeld 4,0 cm, afhankelijk van het fittingmodel kan dit iets verschillen. Raadpleeg het technische diagram dat beschikbaar is op elke aansluitpagina, onder de productbeschrijving.

Hoeveel afstand tussen 2 verticale palen?

Het hangt af van het type buizen dat wordt gebruikt en van de dikte. Uit voorzorg raden wij aan om elke 200 cm** (2,0 m) te versterken met de EN 10255 48,3 mm (3,2 mm) gegalvaniseerde stalen buis. Hierdoor behoudt de buis zijn draagvermogen in horizontale positie.

Hoe bevestig ik de fittingen aan de buis?

Om de fittingen aan de buis te bevestigen, gebruikt u eenvoudig een geschikte inbussleutel en schroef. Voor professioneel gebruik op het doorsteekcontact heeft u een ratelsleutel nodig en een koppel van 40 Nm*.

Kunnen aluminium buizen roesten?

Nee, de aluminium buis die op onze site wordt verkocht, roest niet.

Hoe verouderen aluminium buizen in de loop van de tijd?

De aluminium buis zal binnenshuis een uniform uiterlijk behouden en buiten na verloop van tijd wat verkleuren.

Zijn er schroeven bij de fittingen inbegrepen?

Ja, al onze fittingen worden geleverd met schroeven om ze op de buis te bevestigen. De bevestigingen voor het bevestigen van de connector aan een drager zoals hout, metaal, beton etc. worden echter niet meegeleverd. Wij bieden de extra verkoop van afzonderlijke schroeven aan voor het geval u deze kwijt bent, beschadigd bent of wilt vervangen. Ook heeft u de mogelijkheid om veiligheidsschroeven tegen vandalisme aan te schaffen.


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